FASA Column

FASA writes and publishes a regular column in SAM Magazine. The writers of the column entries are members of FASA and their texts are connected the research they conduct. The column is written in Finnish and in English.

The FASA column entries are listed here with links to the SAM Magazine publications.

If you are a member of FASA and interested in publishing a text in this column, please contact us via email fasafinland@gmail.com .

FASA Column in SAM Magazine: Call for Writers

Member of FASA! Are you interested in writing your own entry to the FASA column? FASA is searching for writers. 

Your entry should present your research to the readers of SAM Magazine. In addition, you can comment on topical issues or connect them with the scope of your research.

The entries are to be written in Finnish or in English and be app. 4000–6000 characters in length. Additionally, you should provide 1-3 images to accompany your text. 

If you are interested, please send an email to fasafinland@gmail.com.

You can view the column in SAM Magazine. Links to all previous column entries are listed below.

We encourage FASA members in all career stages to contact us and present your research to the general public!

FASA column entries (2025)

FASA column entries (2024)

FASA column entries (2023)


DeSantis and Dissent

By Anne Brixius

FASA column entries (2022)


Uusia suuntia alkuperäiskansojen historioille

Kirjoittajana Sami Lakomäki


Mustien naiskirjailijoiden mieskuvia

Kirjoittajana Tuula Kolehmainen



Aseväkivallan ja sen ehkäisyn monet kasvot

Kirjoittajana Mila Seppälä


Amerikkalaisen unelman päivänpaisteinen vankila

Kirjoittajana Pekka Kilpeläinen

FASA column entries (2021)



Alkuperäiskansat, perinteinen tieto ja ympäristönsuojelu

Kirjoittajana Rani-Hen­rik An­ders­son




Yhdysvaltojen tutkijana nykyajassa

Kirjoittajana Janne Lahti